
SECOND YEAR - Course Outline

Introduction to Diet and Life-style (Tib. Zas sPyod)

The Causes of  Disease

  • Primary causes
  • Secondary causes

General Pathology of the Three Humors

  • Excess
  • Deficiency
  • Disorder

The Classifications of Disease

Individual Significance of Disease

Principles of Behavior

  • Routine behavior
  • Seasonal behavior
  • Incidental behavior

Diet and Nutrition Studies

  • Principles of normal diet
  • Diet for each typology
  • Diet for specific conditions
  • Dietary restrictions
  • The correct amounts of food

Principles of Herbal Medicine

Classification of Medicines according to:

  • Taste
  • Post-digestive Tastes

Specific Functions of Medicines

  • Classification of Medicines
  • Therapeutic function of 60 medicines

Introduction to External Therapies

Overview of Medical instruments

Anti-aging and rejuvenation Studies           

Rotsa – study of the enhancement of sexual energies
In TTM, both of the above studies are considered to be a part of general health and wellbeing.

© IATTM 2007